Some of you may have heard me talk or write about Torra lock. This is a medicine that you put down the line to reduce the susceptiblity to line infections. Due to NHS beurocracy you have to have 4 line infections before you are allowed the medication. And lucky ole me, this infection was my 4th.
The nutrition nurse came down to show me how to do it and to make sure I get the first dose today (you have to have 2 doses before you can be discharged).
Within seconds of it going into my lovely new Hickman line my legs started to tingle and feel funny. When I said that to the nurse she laid me down, put the oxygen mask on me and ran off. The tingling continued and then the itching started. Just a little tickle of an itch initially but then it built up until I scratched and scratched until it was almost bleeding.
The nurse came back with Dr7 and Dr8, who were luckily still on the ward. They gave me some steroids and piriton and crossed the torra lock off my drug chart. Apparently I'm the only one of Dr7's patients that he knows to be allergic to it. So that's another medication to add to the allergy list and red wristband. Lucky me!
So that means no torra lock, no magic shield against infections. Let's hope there won't be any more but knowing my luck, it's unlikely!
NB x
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