Last year I spent my birthday, Big Girl's birthday, Big Fella's birthday and my Hubby's birthday in hospital.
While going through my photos I came across some pictures that we took to mark the events and thought I would share them with you.

This one isn't a birthday picture but I thought I would include it anyway. This was me on day release (or 2 hour morning release to give it its proper title!). It was the kids first day back at school and I was determined to be there, even if it had to be in a wheelchair.
NB x

I decorated the bed for visiting time on Big girls birthday.
Giving out the presents. I got a friend who was visiting the day before bring some bits so that I could have something to give her.
Hubby wearing the favourite present- a 99p pair of novelty glasses. In the background is my laundry drying on the curtain rail. There was a washing machine and tumble drier on the ward but some of my stuff couldn't be tumble dried. This was my solution. One day my consultant came and had to push past it all to see me. She laughed so much and said she had never seen a patient do it before.
We had a birthday picnic in the day room. This was Big girls picnic face.
Me and hubby on my birthday. The ward at Princess Alexandra was very strict about visiting times so I had to sneak him and the kids in. Hence why the curtains are all closed.
Getting a bit tearful opening cards.
But it wasn't all sad. This was my birthday dinner in the hospital restaurant. You can't beat curly chips and beans. And no, that's not a new statement earring that I got for my birthday! That was my central line that I used to tuck over my ear to stop it dangling and pulling on my neck.
In the second picture I'm laughing as I had to pretend to blow the candles out on my birthday cake. We couldn't light them incase we caused the fire alarm to go off and the hospital to be evacuated!
All my lovely cards, pictures and baloons on my locker by my bed.
My lovely friends captioned the picture 'Lou and Andy'! I personally don't see the similarity myself ;)
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