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The email

On the phone to Hubby on Thursday evening after what has been possibly one of the hardest days of my life he suddenly stops talking and there's just silence. 

Asking him what's wrong he said he's just read an email sent from a friend about my blog. I've only received positive feedback so far but thought that perhaps there was someone who didn't like what they had read and was emailing to tell him that. 

But no. It was much worse than that. 

The email was from one of my friends friends (if that makes sense) who had showed my blog to one of her friends. You with me so far? This friend works for a law firm and said that while she sympathised with what I was going through by using the Doctors names in my blog I am being libellous. 

"It can't be libel if what I'm writing is just the truth though" I tell Hubby. But after a quick google I realise that maybe I am. 

Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. 

She said that if the doctor read what I had written he could sue me and at her law firm they had successfully sued someone who made negative remarks about their GP on Facebook after their baby died. 

Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. 

The last thing I need is a law suit against me especially with everything else that's going on in my life. Why does everything have to be so bloody difficult? 

I use my blog as a way of coping with the saga that is my life. I find it cathartic to write everything down; by getting it out of my head and onto paper, so to speak, stops it from going round and round in my head and sending me insane. It's also a useful way of doing a mass update for friends and family therefore avoiding the dreaded 'how are you?' question everytime I speak to someone. It was never intended to be a slagging off forum or for me slander or denigrate individuals or establishments. 

I spent a long time writing 'The Conclusion' as I wanted it to be a factual account and I didn't want my emotions to overspill into my writing. I'm not sure if I achieved that, I will leave that for you as the readers to judge, but that was my aim. 

Immediately I went to my blog and reverted any posts to draft that named an individual to draft so that I could then go back through them all and anonymise each post. I just hoped that I had taken the action quickly enough. It's just one more thing that I could do without. 

I haven't been handed a writ (I think that's what it's called) so hopefully by calling them Dr 1, Dr 2 etc that will be enough to keep me out of the courts. So when you're reading new posts and wonder why they're no longer referred to by name, you know why. 

NB x


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