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Daddy time

I didn't blog yesterday because I was so tired that I literally couldn't keep my eyes open a minute longer. 

I've had my Dad come to visit me the last 2 days which has been lovely. It's not very often I get time on my own with him so although it's as a result of me being on hospital it's still nice. 

Dad has come down from Nottingham to stay with us for a few days as Hubby has had to go to Hungary with work. His job does involve a lot of international travel which obviously gives us a massive headache when I'm in hospital. We were very lucky that when I mentioned it to Dad he had organised to have time off work within the hour. His bosses are very understanding and old family friends so they know all about my illness and surgeries. 

Yesterday wasn't the easiest of days for Dad to look after the kids. Yesterday was World Book Day, aka costume hell day as its known by parents. I know the kids love dressing up but the pressure for them to have a costume puts parents under a huge amount of stress. 

I refuse to buy costumes so mine either raid the dressing up box and choose something to wear and then we work out what character they could be or we borrow from friends. I was very lucky that a friend lent Big Girl a lovely Dorothy costume, complete with ruby slippers so she was sorted. Big Fella didn't know what he wanted to wear but then announced the night before that he wanted to go as the BFG. I had to explain that there was no way Grandad could make him a BFG outfit and neither could Dad because he was going to work on the airplane (that's what we've said since they were little and couldn't understand him going to work in another country). 

So on Thursday morning he didn't know what he was going to wear. Apparently his bottom lip started to wobble and tears started to come. My Dad isn't the most patient person but he tries to be with the kids. He got his phone out and told Big Fella he had 2 minutes to chose something to wear. If he hasn't chosen in 2 minutes he was going in school uniform he told him. If he started to cry he was going in school uniform. Big Fella started to look at the costumes... Pirate, king, Woody or Buzz Lightyear from Toy Story? After one minute he chose Spider-Man. My Dad told me he got down to his level and asked him if he knew what he had just done? 'No Grandad' he replied. 'You've just made a very big decision like a big lad and I'm very proud of you' Dad told him. 'I have?' Big Fella said. 'Yes you have' Dad said. 'Yes I have' Big Fella said, all proud of himself. Tantrum averted. 10/10 for that one Dad. 

To make matters even more complicated Big Girls class go swimming with school on Thursday afternoons so he had to make sure he had her swimming kit. And Big Fella had Beavers in the evening so he had to make sure the kids had dinner in time for him to go to that. He managed it all with no stress and no shouting though. 

Thursday afternoon I had a visit from Kitty, the lady I had met on Frederick Salmon ward in January. Although we've only known each other a few weeks it feels as though we have been life long friends and we can chat for hours. Which is exactly what we did. Our conversation ranged from middle eastern politics to books, Stomas (of course!) and cross stitching. Kitty had brought me a lovely present of a tin with the most gorgeous sewing bits in it. She said that the slogan on the lid made her think that this is probably what the surgeons have to do with our bowels!

Just before 6pm the pain in my rectum started. I stood up, because sitting down can make it worse but it made no difference. It was getting really bad, really quickly. I made the bed go higher so that I could stand up but lay my arms and head over the bed and I swayed my hips, like ladies do when they're in labour, to try and relieve some of the pressure. The problem with doing this was that it triggered off the vertigo symptoms so I soon felt as though the ward was spinning and my legs were made of jelly. 

Luckily Kitty recognised that I had lost all my colour and was about to hit the decks so lowered the bed and got me in it. She then called the nurse to get me some pain relief. The doctor had changed my pain medication earlier in the day so that I could either have it as a tablet or an injection (if the pain was bad as it would work quicker) and had increased the dose. After getting my injection I could feel myself falling to sleep and I slept until 9.30pm. 

When I woke I was upset as I had wanted to call home and speak to the kids. I had also missed a call from my sister. I got up, pottered about a bit as I woke up, filled up my hot water bottle and then called Dad to check on the kids. It was just after 10pm but he was getting into bed as I think the day had worn him out. He panicked when he heard it was me on the phone (as does Hubby) but I reassured him that there was nothing wrong and I just wanted to see how his evening had gone. He'd done gammon for tea which the kids enjoyed and they had both been bathed. Beats my usual chicken dippers and a wet wipe!

Before coming to the hospital Dad had been to Tesco to get me some bits that I had run out of. Knowing that my friend from Lister lived far away and wasn't getting any visitors I asked him if there was anything he needed. He asked for a few bits which Dad brought in but he wouldn't take any money for them. He told me to tell him that they were his get well gifts. My Dad had never even met the man but that's the kind of lovely thing that my Dad does. And that's one of the reasons why I love him so much. 

I had a pretty good nights sleep last night. I'm finding that I'm waking up about 6am though as all the meds have worn off by then and the drug trolley doesn't usually hit my bay until 6.30ish. 

I had a film that I knew my Dad wanted to borrow so I thought I would try and watch it so that I could give it to him when he came to visit today. I started watching it but was interrupted so many times...having obs done, medication, blood tests, needing the loo, antibiotics being put up and taken down, drips, breakfast, having my bed changed. I'm not complaining as I know all these things need to be done and many of them are for my own good. I try to remember that I'm in hospital not on a mini break!

Anyway, Dad arrived early this morning,  but unlike Princess Alexandra hospital where he would have been made to wait outside until the official visiting times began, here they are much more relaxed and let him in. 

He had brought with him my calendar (at my request) so I could make a note of upcoming birthdays so that I don't miss anyone. I know most people wouldn't mind if I did, but to me it would be terrible. I tend to use Funky Pigeon for birthday cards- if you've never used then I would highly recommend them. I usually order a whole months worth of cards in one go, sending gift vouchers out with the cards so I don't have to post a gift or worry if I'm not well enough to go to the shops. One afternoon next week I will sit and do the March/early April order.  

The lady opposite me had gone down to the shops on her morning stroll to get the newspaper and returned with a pair of lovely boots. 'Only a tenner' she told me. Everyday in the hospital there is a different stall. It might be bags, clothes, jewellery, towels, shoes but today it was boots. Some stalls are quite expensive but others have some good bargains. Like on Sunday when I got a brand new Marks and Spencer's top for £3. It still had its labels on showing the retail price of £15. 

I like to go and browse the stalls each day but you do have to be careful as you can end up spending £10-£20 a day on stuff that you often don't need but buy because it's a good price. It all adds up especially when you're not earning. 

Looking at the boots today they had some nice Ugg style boots but I stopped myself from buying them as I already have 2 pairs of Uggs and I don't need another. I did however see a lovely pair of long, black boots that would look fab with leggings or skinny jeans. I have wanted a pair of smarter looking boots for the occasions that Ugg boots are too casual and these were just what I had been looking for. They were £15 but Dad gave me £10 towards them so I treated myself. I can't show you a picture as he took them home with him to save cluttering up my hospital bed space. 

We then went for a little walk like we did yesterday. Having the vertigo has meant that I'm nervous about going off the ward on my own incase I come over all dizzy or start falling over but having my Dads arm to link with made me feel safe. Kitty had told me about a sign she had seen on the main road as you approach the hospital.

 Maybe it's just our strange sense of humour but we found the fact that there was a sign saying Danger about the hospital entrance absolutely hilarious. Or maybe it's the fact that we are both on strong opioids! Anyway I felt the need to photograph it and share it with you all. 

Dad left to do the school run a bit earlier than usual as Big Fella had a class assembly. I was pleased that my Dad had the opportunity to go as it's things like this that the grandparents miss out on living in Nottingham. But at the same time I was gutted that I wasn't able to go. I think that might be the first assembly that I've ever missed. I think a friend took some pictures for me so I hope to see them pinging into my inbox soon (hint, hint!).

When I spoke to him on the phone today he said to me 'Mum, you would have been so proud of me; I was Jesus'. My heart was breaking but I told him that I was proud of him and that I was ever so sorry to have missed it. 'Don't worry Mum. I can say my lines now and then you can pretend you were there' he said. I know he's my boy but he is so kind, considerate and loving and I could explode with pride that he's my son. 

Big Girl had some news too. She had tried some of my Dads battered sausage from the chip shop and had liked it. I don't know whether its a good thing she has tried something new or a bad thing that she will probably want one next time and it will have more calories adding to her little pot belly. 

Gogglebox was on tonight but I asked Dad to Sky+ it so that I could write this post. How good am I to you guys eh? I could have just thought 'sod ya' and made you wait another day for the next instalment on the saga that is my life but I didn't. I'm too kind. 

I still haven't had the MRI scan or the Barium Follow through yet and don't know when they are planning on doing them. I'm still on IV antibiotics. They are giving me 2 different ones and are giving me them for 14 days instead of 7 to make sure this bug is properly gone. I'm on day 10 so I know I will be in hospital for at least another 4 days minimum. 

I have expanded my foot repertoire so I can now manage eggs, rice, potatoes (cooked all ways) quorn sausages, crisps, muller-rice, yoghurt rich tea biscuits and black currant squash. The list is slowly growing and the pains in my tummy are either reducing or I'm no longer noticing them so much ( possibly due to the fact that my pain relief has tripled in the last week!).

Unfortunately the same cannot be said for the pain in my rectum. Instead of getting better it is getting worse by the day. Previously I would have up to 4 or 5 attacks a day but no pain in between them but now the pain is continuously there and so now it's the degree of pain I'm experiencing that is the difference. I feel like I have a golf ball, a tennis ball, a football or a water melon up my bum depending on the severity of the pain. That's the best way I can describe it to you. 

It hurts when I walk and it has started hurting very badly when I go to the toilet and empty my pouch (aka have a poo). There has to be something causing this pain. I just wish they would hurry up and work out what it is and fix me. I've got stuff to do- in less than a month I'm supposed to be going to see Gary Barlow but at this rate it will be another pair of tickets that ends up being sold because I'm too ill to go. In the last few years I've missed out on seeing Take That, Robbie Williams, another of Gary's tours, 3 Hen weekends, 4 weddings, a christening and goodness knows how many other family events. They have to sort it out because I'm not willing to miss out on much more of my life. 

NB x


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