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All blocked up

After my diet of mash and gravy I thought last night I would branch out and have something a little bit different. 

I fancied rice so ordered plain white rice with falafel. When it arrived the falafel wasn't the usual little balls but a big rectangle instead. Knowing that I should only eat a little bit I took most of it off my plate, mashed the rest up with the rice and mixed it with plenty of ketchup so that it wasn't too dry. 

It may look like a dogs dinner but was actually quite nice. Except my bowels disagreed. 

It has totally blocked me up and nothing has come out of me since eating it. Except when I've been sick that is. 

The doctors have said they think my bowel is blocked at the point where my Stoma used to be. It may be narrow or inflamed from surgery which makes it harder for things to pass through. 

As you know I didn't sleep a wink last night and have spent most of today in a lot of pain with a swollen, distended tummy. I'm back on oramorph (liquid morphine) and diclofenac injections but they're only just taking the edge off it. 

The doctors are confident that things will start moving at some point but until then I'm back to my mash and gravy slop diet. 

The plus side though is that there have been no accidents seeing as nothing has been coming out from the pouch. My friend who visited today said she would make me a star chart for being a good girl and keeping my knickers clean!

I've moved up to the Intestinal Failure Unit (IFU) today so that means I will no longer have to put up with the old lady next to me and her army of visitors. Unless she follows me up here as she is under the same medical doctors as me. That would be too much to bear. I don't think I could take it. 

IFU is a much quieter ward than Fredrick Salmon and I'm in a bed with no TV. There is a dayroom with a TV but I don't feel up to going down there. The Internet signal is also very intermittent so even though I have hardly any 3G left I have very little access to the World Wide Web. Suppose there's some irony there somewhere. 

I have to say that I feel a bit emotional tonight. I have just spoken to hubby and the kids and I'm missing them like crazy. I hate being away from them. Big Girl has treated me to a rendition of 'oh when the saints' on her flute and Big Fella tells me he has had a 'great' day at school. 

I think I'm very tired, have had a bit too much time to think since my friend left and am frustrated with my body. Nothing ever quite goes straightforward for me and I feel guilty being stuck in hospital while hubby is left home alone to deal with the kids, the house and work. I want to get better and go home. But it's slow progress. And baby steps. And I'm just fed up with it all tonight. 

I'm sure that after a good nights sleep and a poo I will feel much better. Fingers crossed I get both tonight. 

NB x


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