Last night was pretty awful. Halfway through Britains Got Talent I had the urge to go and I had to run to the loo. And there I stayed. For over an hour.
The pain was terrible. I've been losing quite a lot of blood from the back passage again and having real urgency which Dr7 thought might indicate pouchitis when I went to see him a few weeks ago. (Pouchitis is basically an inflammation and infection of the pouch.)
Dr7 ordered an urgent endoscopy to have a look at the pouch. The appointment came through yesterday- it's on the 25th June. How is that urgent?
Because it's getting no better, infact it's getting worse, I decided to ring the pouch nurse at St Marks this morning. I described the symptoms and she said "ring your GP as soon as you put the phone down. You need antibiotics straight away".
She started to tell me which antibiotic I needed to get the GP to prescribe. One problem- I'm allergic to it. Plan B then. A different antibiotic at a mega dose.
So I called the GP surgery and was faced with the receptionist Rottweilers. I explained that I needed to speak to the GP and was faced with the usual 'what is the problem?' Well let me explain but because you've not got a medical degree I doubt very much you will understand. Why do you have to explain yourself to a bloody receptionist? It really winds me up.
When I explained the problem she clearly didn't understand what I had said and continued to ask me a number of innane questions. In the end I just told her that I had a complicated medical history and had spoken to my specialist nurse who said I needed medication today so could she please just get the doctor to call me back? Thank you.
When the GP rang back it was much simpler. I explained the situation, what antibiotic I needed, at what dose and for how long and he said he would write the prescription straight away. Sorted. With an extra tablet to take this is how I feel...
So I've started the antibiotics and will have 14 days of feeling pretty sick and rubbish. Or so the doctor tells me. Hopefully this will clear up the pouchitis and it's not going to be a persistent issue. Fingers crossed.
NB x
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