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Swimming fail

I was discharged from hospital on Friday afternoon and within a few hours of being home I was out taking Big Girl to her netball training session. I didn’t feel great but Hubby had a load of work to do so I thought if I did the netball run it would take the pressure off him. Usually after dropping Big Girl off I go to my sisters house as she only lives 5 minutes from where netball training takes place but this week both her and her husband were out so I resorted to wandering the local retail park. I was hopeful that I would be able to get some Christmas presents as I haven’t bought a single thing yet but I just couldn’t get into the mood for shopping. I think being tired and in pain didn’t really help so in the end I went back to the car and sat and watched Netflix. 

Driving home that evening the pain got worse and by the time we arrived home I was in agony. I crawled up the stairs and into bed hugging the sick bowl. Part of me was wondering if I would end up having to go back into hospital but luckily with plenty of pain relief, anti-sickness meds and hot water bottles it eased off. 

Yesterday I took the dog for a walk with my Dad, and despite the freezing cold winds he was still in his shorts! 

And today I decided was going to be the day I would finally go swimming. I had already done a test with the pouches in the bath (you can read that blog post here) so I was confident that they would be ok in the pool. However when I went to open the box of pouches that I had been sent they were completely different. For starters they were huge and the adhesive was different but I assumed they would work just like the ones I had tested and I stuck it on and packed my swimming bag. 

I haven’t been in the pool or the sea since getting a Hickman line over 7 years ago so this was a big deal and Hubby and both kids came to join me in the pool and witness this monumental occasion. I was so excited about swimming and I had even made sure my afternoon was free so I could go to bed if I was completely exhausted from it. 

This was the pouch before going swimming and I should have noticed that it was stuck down very well but I was so eager to get into the pool. The one I had trialed in the bath was super sticky and I had to use adhesive remover wipes to get it off afterwards so I (wrongly) assumed this would be the same. 

Look- I can’t stop smiling! Don’t you just love my gorgeous swimming cap? I’ve got to protect the rainbow hair!! 🌈

But unfortunately the smile didn’t last long. Getting into the pool felt amazing but after just two lengths I noticed the pouch was hanging off my chest and water had gotten inside. Immediately I got out of the pool and went to the changing room to remove the pouch and put a new sterile dressing on it. 

So I managed less than 5 minutes in the water and now I’m terrified that I’ve exposed myself to goodness knows what germs and put myself at risk of an infection. But on the plus side I didn’t shit myself in the pool which was a relief as that was a very real concern!!  I’m going to ring the company that supplied these tomorrow to let them know how utterly useless they are and to get them to send me some of the ones I used successfully in the bath. Although swimming turned out to be an epic fail for me it was nice for us to go out and do something together as a family. Hopefully I will get new pouches soon and we can try again. 


  1. Proud of you. Take it easy, get the new pouches and hopefully next time will be better. I do hear your worry about infection. All paws are crossed sweetheart. Kitty xxxx

  2. Flamingo Moda is an online shop that sells a collection of fashion products, handbags, belts, kids essentials.


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