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Hitting the shops

Yesterday I think I almost sent Hubby over the edge. I wasn’t feeling too great on Tuesday and stayed in bed all day and then yesterday woke up and vomited. Hubby heard me and came running into the bathroom. I think he wanted to literally pick me up, throw me in the car and rush me back to the hospital because he was frightened it was the beginning of a bowel obstruction. But I had had days like this in hospital where I just wasn’t good and I wanted to go back to bed and ride it out. I promised him though that if I continued to vomit or felt any worse I would tell him and we would go straight in. I think the cause of the sickness was the fact that I had dared to have a cuppa soup the night before and my insides were just registering their protest. Well, it’s been duly noted and I won’t be making that mistake again!

I woke up today feeling a lot better and decided that it would be a good day to take Big Girl for the piercings she wanted doing before holiday. She got her 3rd holes in her lobes and a forward helix pierced (for the second time cause she took the last earring out, forgot to put it back in and it healed over!) If any of you lovely readers are based in Nottingham I highly recommend Punktured Piercing  near the arena and wouldn’t go anywhere else now. (I’ve not been paid to say this, it’s just my personal opinion)

As we were so close to the city centre I thought it would be nice to take Big Girl to the shops and get the makeup she was wanting for her birthday. Walking through all the shops was so exciting because I haven’t been to them for soooooo long. Before being in hospital I was too poorly to go out and was also shielding from March 2020 so I was like a kid in a sweet shop. Normally I hate clothes shopping but today I wanted to look around, touch the clothes and treat myself to a few bits for holiday. Since Christmas I’ve lost 3 stone but it didn’t really register until today when I realised I had dropped 4 dress sizes! I ended up getting some bargains in the Monsoon and John Lewis sales but also treated myself to a pair of Fat Face short dungarees which is something I would never have dared to buy when I was bigger. Big Girl loves shopping and having her there with me was so lovely, especially as she carried all the bags so I could save my energy. It wasn’t all plain sailing though- after trying on 8 different items of clothing in John Lewis I thought I was going to collapse in the changing room and needed to have a sit down until the feeling passed. It was a reminder from my body that it’s still weak and just doing a bit of walking around and other normal activities is a strain for me at the moment so I do have to be careful. 

Big Girl had a netball match tonight and asked me to go and watch her play. I was absolutely exhausted from shopping but I had an hour in bed and then dragged my arse down to the court. I figured I was already going to be in bed tomorrow with an energy hangover from shopping so I might as well watch her play and just be even more tired tomorrow! Bloody Sod’s law that it was pissing down but I didn’t care- I was just so happy that I was finally able to do the Mum things I’ve missed out on the last few months. 


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