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Doctors receptionists

There's nothing worse than a Doctors receptionist who insists you tell her what is wrong with you. I take that back. There is. When she asks you in front of all the other patients in the waiting room. 

I know most of us have experienced this and at my new surgery I loved how this old guy handled it. He must have been in his 70's and the waiting room was pretty full when he walked in. He approached the desk and the receptionist asked him what he needed to see the doctor for that day. 

"There's something wrong with my dick" he told her. 

The receptionist looked shocked and told him that he shouldn't say things like that in a crowded waiting room. "Why not? You asked me what was wrong and I told you" was his reply. The receptionist became irritated and told him that he had embarrassed the other patients waiting and should have said there was something wrong with his ear or similar and then discussed the real reason with the doctor in private. The guy looked her straight in the eye and told her that she shouldn't be asking people questions in a roomful of strangers if the answer might embarrass anybody. He then turned on his heel and walked out. Secretly I think everyone in the room was thinking 'good on you mate!'

A few minutes later he walked back in. As the receptionist sat smiling smugly everybody was trying to look without being seen to be looking and wondering what was going to happen next. "Can I help you sir?" she said. "Yes. There's something wrong with my ear?" She was obviously pleased that he had taken her advice and asked him what was wrong with his ear. "I can't piss out of it" he replied. The whole waiting room erupted in laughter. 

And like the cartoon above, what I've just told you is a classic joke that I saw on Facebook and just had to share on here. The trouble is that GP receptionists often get confused and mistake their Microsoft office certificate for an actual real life medical degree. And I really hope that I'm sat in the waiting room the time that some old boy takes them on in real life. 

NB x


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