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Down Souf

I'm feeling pretty pleased with myself. I managed to successfully navigate a train, a tube and another train journey with 2 kids, a super heavy weight suitcase and a couple of bags all by myself. Yes. You read that right.  All by myself. If truth be told I was feeling slightly nervous yesterday afternoon so much so that I couldn't eat my dinner (which is very unusual for me). I'm not sure whether it was the journey or just the fact I would be back in my old home town that was making me feel a bit jittery. 

I've been to London on the train on my own before and I'm certainly not one of those women that gets frightened travelling alone but doing it with the kids is a different story. For starters I'm outnumbered. There's 2 of them and only 1 of me. And I've got to look after a suitcase. A brand new suitcase might I add. Big Girl persuaded me to buy it as it was one with 4 wheels that you can push rather than pull and she said that she would help with the pushing. Plus it had a nice design making it a more attractive option compared to our usual luggage. 

So I'm £50 down but the owner of a new suitcase and to be honest it was a godsend. The fluids that I have to bring with me weigh the best part of 10kg which is the weight of your average toddler. Then I have to add in the medication and the stuff that I need to hook up- sterile gloves, connection set, sterile paper towels, special cleaning wipes, needles, syringes... That's half of the suitcase full already. 

So I'm left with half a suitcase to fit my clothes, Big Girls clothes, Big Fellas clothes plus all other stuff like toiletries, make up and all of Big Girls hair stuff. And there's a lot of it. Hair is her thing. It has to be perfect before she will step foot out of the house and often she goes through various designs, all pretty elaborate before deciding on the final one. This process can take up to an hour every morning. So we have bows and bobbles and hair bands and her 8 brushes. No. That wasn't a typo. She really does have 8 hair brushes, all of which are used for different hairstyles. Apparently. Finally it's all in. I think. 

So now I'm back 'down souf' and staying with Bestie. The 4 kids are all in a room together and loving it, I'm sharing the bed with bestie and her Hubby is in the third bedroom on the single bed. Bless him. Not many men would give up their bed but secretly I think he's looking forward to having 4 nights of uninterrupted sleep. I've made plans to see the kids friends and catch up with mine and have a jam packed 4 days. I really need my body to hold out because I would be gutted to only be down here for a few days and have to spend one of them in bed feeling crap. I've already factored in the fact that after having such a hectic time I will be knackered so will be having a pyjama day to recover once I'm back in Nottingham. Still seems strange to be visiting Hettfordshire and then going home to Nottingham. This is the first time I've been back since the house completed and it does feel strange. Part of me wants to go and see the house and see if they've done anything different to it but then part of me isn't ready to just yet. I will have to see how I feel while I'm down here. Will let you know. 

NB x


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