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Tummy bug

Warning: this post covers my latest bout of diahorrea and sickness and should not be read whist eating or if you gag easily. 

You've been warned. 


So don't blame me if you read on and then are put off your breakfast/lunch/dinner/snack etc 

Feeling brave?

Then let's do this!

I have spent the last 5 days being sick, having some terrible bowel motions (and that's saying something coming from me!) and generally feeling like crap. It started on Wednesday night when I began feeling a bit, how can I describe it? Bleugh. Yuck. Crappy. That's not unusual for me anc I thought I was tired after having met a friend for lunch. But when I woke up on Thursday I knew something was brewing. My whole body ached and after taking the kids to school I came back and spent the next 6 hours on the sofa. I didn't get up for a drink or anything to eat and in the back of my mind I was beginning to worry that it was an infection brewing. All the classic signs were there- feeling crap, whole body aching and absolutely no energy- I was just waiting for the raging temperature and then I would be off to A&E. 

But the temperature never came but instead that night I spent the majority of the wee small hours on the loo while the contents off my bowel ran out of me. Not only was it pure liquid, it was exiting my body so quickly that if felt as though pints and pints were coming out at each sitting. It got so bad that in the end I simply took the iPad into the loo, wrapped my dressing gown around me and settled in for a few hours of catch up tv!

Friday morning the sickness began. Despite all my years of being ill the two things I have never really got used to are NG tubes (plastic tubes that go down your nose into your stomach) and being sick. I'm usually really bad at being sick and require someone to hold my hair out of my face, rub my back and wipe my tears whilst I'm being sick or wretching but this time I was a big, brave girl and managed all by myself. Now where's my gold star???

So Friday passed with a blur of sick bowls, naps and lots of time spent in the bathroom on the loo. There was no let up in the amount of brown water that was passing out of my arse. To be honest I was beginning to wonder where it was all coming from. I hadn't eaten anything on 2 days but still it came!

I was hoping that it might be a 24 hour type bug and when I would up feeling slightly better I was lulled into a false sense of security. I watched all of Saturday Kitchen without being sick or running to the loo but then the tell tale rumblings began and then it all began again. Now there's only one loo in my Mum and Dads house where we are currently staying so getting all 6 of us in and out whilst I had this bug was proving challenging. There was rather a lot of polite knocking on the toilet door which then turned to banging and shouts of "hurry up, I'm desperate" either because I was taking too long on the loo or because I needed to get in!

I ended up missing my cousins engagement party, the church fayre and the 1st birthday party of one of my friends daughters. Typical. I'm never ill when we've got nothing to do and nowhere to go- only when the diary is chokka. The whole of the weekend was spent in bed feeling ever so slightly sorry for myself. Ironically, when I text Bestie to tell her I was feeling ill the reply I got a few hours later was: 

So over the last few days Bestie and I have compared symptoms and counted the casualties as the bug hit the rest of our families. She came off much worse than me with her husband and daughter getting it, aswell as her 1 year old being unwell. So far here only Big Girl has had any symptoms which is surprising. You'd think with us all living in close quarters that the bug would do it's rounds pretty quickly. I think the fact that they've all got pretty good immune systems helps. As does using copious amounts of bleach and anti bac spray, wipes and in wash liquid! To be honest we're not entirely sure whether Big Girl has had the bug or whether it was the 2 hours of swimming on Sunday that upset her stomach or the medication she's just started which lists diahorrea as a side effect. Either way I decided to keep her off school today. As soon as Big Fella heard that suddenly his tummy was hurting too! He got short shrift though and was packed off to school having forgotten all about tummy aches when Grandma told him he could go on his scooter! 

I've started eating a bit more today and that's helped to thicken things up. Having this watery, acidic poo has meant my bottom has been left red raw despite the thick layer of sudocream that I've been smothering on. I can totally understand why babies cry so much when their bum hurts or they have really bad nappy rash. I share their pain! 

I think I'm over the worst of the bug now but everything down there ⬇️ is still a bit out of sorts. It's still very sore from excessive wiping and acidic diahorrea and my belly is still making the weirdest noises. It sounds like a cauldron bubbling away. Luckily the rancid burps have passed. I forgot to mention these. They were so bad that Big Fella told me that they smelt of poo. Cheers mate. Way to make your mum feel better when she's poorly. But I admit that they did smell pretty bad and required the use of the aerosol spray out of the bathroom on one or two occasions! 

I'm left now feeling totally wiped out. Everything I've had to give has exited my body at a rate of knots these last few days and all my energy reserves have gone with it. I've had to have extra IV fluids to make sure I don't dehydrate and end up in hospital because that's the last thing I want right now. I've got a busy few weeks containing my sisters birthday, my birthday, my Dad's birthday (and it's a special one this year!) and Hubby's birthday (also a special one!) I'm gonna need all the energy I've got just to sort out buying cards and presents for this little lot let alone anything else. 

But there is a plus side to all this sickness and diahorrea business. I've lost 6lb in the last few days. Now just a few more weeks, ok, months of it and I will be back to my target weight!! You know what though? Sod that. I'd rather be healthy and a bit fat (if that's not an oxymoron) than thin and poorly. Now I'm feeling better someone pass me the biscuit tin 😉

NB x


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