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Home alone

Last week was the first time in ages that Hubby has felt able to leave me at home alone with the kids overnight. He had a work function in London at The Grosvenor Hotel (super, super fancy) and it came with a hotel room. Over the last couple of years he would have either not gone or made sure there was someone to babysit me and the kids. And he would have come home on the last train as there would have been no way he could have left me to cope with the kids alone overnight and first thing in the morning. 

I had been feeling ok at the start of the week but it was Sod's law that on Wednesday, the day of the function I felt dreadful. I couldn't get up in the morning so a friend took the kids to school for me and I stayed in bed. I wasn't ill, I just didn't feel good. I was going to go to Boots to collect my prescriptions in the afternoon but I didn't want to go out in the cold and my whole body was aching so I decided to stay where I was. 

I did go and collect the kids from school and the minute they walked out of their classrooms they kicked off. They wanted me to carry their bags and their water bottles and they were already starting to fight with each other. I calmly tried to explain that I was feeling very tired and couldn't carry anything but they kept pushing their stuff at me despite me folding my arms so I couldn't hold any of it. 

I snapped and just dropped all their stuff on the floor and told them "to pick it up or leave it there but I don't care because I'm going home". I could feel the other mums  looking at me but I was past the stage of caring and I just headed towards the car. They picked their things up and came running after me, apologising and after that they were as good as gold. 

But being at home with the kids on my own just wrecked me. It was for less than 24 hours but it felt like it had been a week! My whole body ached, my head was banging and I just wanted to sleep. That's what I was planning to do as soon as I had taken them to school but Hubby came home feeling slightly worse for wear. He had to come back to get ready for work because in true boy style he had gone out last night with just his wallet. No toothbrush, no overnight bag with a change of clothes so therefore no clean boxers. There is no way that a girl would have done the same. I could think of nothing worse than sleeping in my dinner clothes and then coming back on the train wearing them without a shower or brushing my teeth, wearing yesterday's knickers! But that's exactly that's what he did. 

Anyway, he was only supposed to come home to wash, change and then go to work but his head was hurting- I wonder why?- and he decided he would just close his eyes for 5 minutes while he laid on the bed. That 5 minutes turned into 3 hours and he was on my side of the bed! I couldn't get into bed to go to sleep myself and to top it off he was snoring so went to lie on the sofa.

I know it must have been after 12.30 when I finally fell asleep as I saw the start of Loose Women. I presume Hubby must have woken up and decided to go to work and show his face for an hour or two because he woke me up to check I had set an alarm on my phone so I wouldn't forget to collect the kids! 

Needless to say, that night we were in bed as soon as we managed to get the kids in bed!

NB x


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