I’ve been home now for by almost 2 weeks and I’m loving it! Since getting out of hospital I’ve been able to start doing all the things that I wanted to do with Hubby and the kids; just boring, mundane, everyday things but things that make me really happy. I’ve been able to do the school runs, help the kids with their homework, get their rooms tidy and even managed to help them set up online banking. We’ve been able to sit down as a family each evening for dinner which is really lovely as now the kids are older it’s pretty much the only time we get together as a family.
Big Girl has been poorly this last week with really bad tonsillitis and a cold and has been off school. She is the worst patient! She’s been extremely demanding and has had me up and down to her every 5 minutes! But she’s hardly ever ill so I can’t really complain and it’s actually nice to be needed. Although it has wore me out! Big Fella has had mock exams so a lot of my time in the evenings has been spent trying to get him off his Xbox and shouting at him to revise! But I’ve also managed to squeeze in a coffee with my parents and I went to see Alan Carr at the Concert Hall with my sister so it’s been a pretty busy couple of weeks.
I’m having to go to the hospital every week for blood tests to monitor both my phosphate and the adalimumab levels but that’s a small price to pay to be at home. I’ve been on the adalimumab (the immunosuppressant medication) now for 5 weeks and instead of having the injections fortnightly I’m having them weekly. The hope is that by doing them weekly we are throwing everything and the kitchen sink at the Crohns and that it force it into remission- and keeps it there. I’m also still on the steroids, although the dose reduces slightly each week, so I should hopefully be off them in 6 weeks time. I just hope that it won’t all kick off when the steroid dose gets smaller as that has happened in the past.
To be honest I know that the chances of me ending up back in hospital again, either with another flare or an obstruction, are pretty high. But I just want to be at home during the Christmas holidays and be well enough to enjoy time with family. This year I’ve been unwell or in hospital for most of the school holidays and I just want to be able to spend some quality time with the kids. They’re at the age now where they’re off doing stuff with their mates and I’m ok with that- I remember being a teenager and all the fun I had. But I also want to make sure that I feature in their memories and to be around to help and guide them and to give them the emotional support that I think teenagers need.
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