Merry Christmas. 🎄🎉🙏⛄️
I am so happy to be at home that I could burst. I am here with my amazing Hubby, my kids, family and lots of people that I love a lot. 💕 But things could have been very different and I could have been stuck in hospital for the Christmas period like many other people. There are so many people that are too ill to be at home with their families and I just want to take a moment to wish them a speedy recovery and hope that they are able to enjoy the day even though they're in hospital.
I think we should also remember the fabulous doctors, nurses, healthcare assistants, cooks, cleaners, porters and everyone else it takes to make a hospital tick over who will be working while we are all at home enjoying our turkey and quality street! The NHS is a marvelous institution and one that is envied by the rest of the world. We must make sure it is protected and not privatised because I for one would not be alive today without it.
I have also met some amazing people on my journey. Some of these came into my life briefly and I truely believe for a purpose, others have stayed and become part of my life. The bonds you form with people in hospital are hard to describe. I think it's the understanding that you have of each other's lives, the sufferings, the struggles, the small steps forward. You both completely understand because you're both living it. As much as family and friends try to understand they can never totally 'get it' because they're seeing it from the outside looking in. So to all my hospital buddies from QE2, Lister, St Marks and Princess Alexandra, a very special shout out to you guys.
The last few years have been undeniably difficult but it has taught me a lot of things. Now I value more than ever my family and my friends. I take joy in the small everyday things that most people take for granted because when I'm stuck in hospital they are the things that I miss the most. So try and slow down people. Play with your children when they ask instead of trying to quickly answer that email. Pick up the phone and speak to that friend you've been meaning to catch up with. Worry less about what your Facebook friends think of you and concentrate on your real life friends and how you can keep those friendship alive. Tell your parents you love them. Work to live, don't live to work because when you're ill it's not work that will support you, it's your family and friends. Do crazy things because it's what you don't do that you always end up regretting. Make a New Years resolution to make a difference. Sod the diets and going to the gym- go to the foodbanks and help there. Look after an elderly neighbour. Clear out all your clutter and take it to a homeless shelter or charity shop instead of trying to sell it online to make yourself a few pounds. Be grateful for what you have. Because what you have is probably plenty enough.
So there you have it. My Christmas speech and a few of my thoughts on life. Thank you for reading my ramblings. I hope it gives you an insight into life with bowel disease, the highs and the lows and everything in between. I hope with all my heart that next year is easier. I hope that all my hospital buddies stay well and at home with their families. And I desperately wish that my health will improve and I can try to piece back together my life.
NB x
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