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Showing posts from October, 2017

Where has the last year gone?

How the hell has 12 months passed since my last blog post? Firstly, and most importantly, my iPhone has stopped supporting the app for Blogger so it has meant that I've not been able to quickly type for 5 minutes here and there. I have kept meaning to get the laptop out and write a post but it's usually at the bottom of my to do list so it hasn't happened. I haven't had any major spells in hospital so I can't blame that but I guess the second reason is Life. It just keeps getting in the way and any spare ounce of energy has been going on trying to keep the house ticking over, the chores done and the kids fed and clothed. In the week I tend to have a couple of hours in the morning when I'm able to get stuff done but then I begin to slow down until exhaustion hits and I need to sleep for a couple of hours. Then the kids come home from school and general chaos ensues. Now they are bigger they don't even go to be that early anymore and so it could be 10pm before...