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Showing posts from 2014

Goodbye 2014...

I'm sat on the toilet with crippling stomach pains listening to the parties in the houses nearby and the fireworks that have been going off even though it's only 10pm. I should have been on the M1, nearly home but I overdid it today shopping with the kids, my mum and my sister in the city centre so needed to rest. Plus I hadn't packed a thing and was in no fit state to try when I got back from shopping so our going home was delayed (much to my parents delight- one more night with the grandkids!) The plan is to get up early, have breakfast and then hit the motorway while everyone else is at home sleeping off their hangovers.  Earlier tonight I was sat in the lounge discussing the last year with my parents. They said that they thought that 2014 was easier than 2013 but Hubby and I disagreed. We knew that 2013 would involve a big operation for me and I spent a lot of time getting my head around that fact (and a lot of money on the weekly therapy sessions to help me prepare emo...

Christmas Day

What a day! I woke up early to disconnect from my feed as I didn't want to have to lug the rucksack about with me on Christmas morning. So by 6.50am I was sat in bed waiting for the kids to wake up. There was no sign of them getting up by 7.15am; I think they were tired from the late nights that they've been having. But at 7.30am I heard Big Fella get up and plod along the hallway to the loo. He came into our bedroom all sleepy eyed and asking us what time it was (we had expected the kids to be super excited and so we told them that they couldn't get up before 7am).  He was surprised to realise he had over slept and was suddenly wide awake jumping on the bed screaming that it was Christmas Day.  He went off to wake his sister up and then they went to wake up their grandparents (who had also been lying in bed waiting for them to wake up but pretended to be asleep so that they could be woken up) After everyone had been to the loo we went down the stairs, in our traditional wa...

My Christmas Speech

Merry Christmas . 🎄🎉🙏⛄️ I am so happy to be at home that I could burst. I am here with my amazing Hubby, my kids, family and lots of people that I love a lot. 💕 But things could have been very different and I could have been stuck in hospital for the Christmas period like many other people. There are so many people that are too ill to be at home with their families and I just want to take a moment to wish them a speedy recovery and hope that they are able to enjoy the day even though they're in hospital.  I think we should also remember the fabulous doctors, nurses, healthcare assistants, cooks, cleaners, porters and everyone else it takes to make a hospital tick over who will be working while we are all at home enjoying our turkey and quality street! The NHS is a marvelous institution and one that is envied by the rest of the world. We must make sure it is protected and not privatised because I for one would not be alive today without it.  I have also met some amazing peo...

Getting ready for Christmas.

I'm home. And it's brilliant. I'm back with my Hubby and my kids and finally it's starting to feel like Christmas. Even before I was ill, the plan was to go to Nottingham and spend the festive season with our families there. So now it's all systems go to get packed and ready to get up there and try to catch up with friends before we left.  I was discharged on Saturday afternoon at 1.30pm and I'm sure most people would have gone home to rest. But not me. By 2pm I was at the bowling alley with Hubby, the kids, bestie and her family. I know you probably think I'm mad but I have my reasons. You see on Christmas Eve we started going bowling with besties husband and kids while she was at work and a tradition began. We went every year and we all look forward to our bowling and McDonald's afterwards. This year is the first year bestie was going to be able to join us as she's on maternity leave but we wouldn't be there as we would be in Nottingham. So we ...

Home for Christmas

Just over two weeks ago I was rushed into Princess Alexandra Hospital by ambulance after suffering from rigours, hallucinations and a temperature of nearly 42 degrees. The day before I had been perfectly well, had been to the shops with Lois and even treated myself to a few new bits to wear on Christmas Day. So how did I get so ill in less than 24 hours? As I said I had spent the day with Lois and of course the baby. Her house had been affected by the dreaded diahorrea and sickness bug (D&S) the week previously but all symptoms had been gone a good few days so we thought it safe to get together. I tend to try and avoid people with illnesses and bugs, particularly those of the gastric type, because my immune system is weakened and I can pick them up so easily and will be much, much sicker than a normal person if I get ill.  We had enjoyed catching up and had just arrived home from the shops to find that the baby had been sick. Without even thinking I scooped him up, cleaned him ...